Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Where is God in Catastrophe?

This is the question we discussed in our Young Adult Tuesday night Bible Study. I will post the notes when I get them in a computer format. For now, check out these links:

This is John Piper's response to the bridge collapse in Minneapolis. Splendid! Consider how much your sin offends God and you will praise Him for His mercy.

Listen to the first hour of this radio show. Todd (the host) visits the U of M and asks students where God was during the collapse. He also discusses God's sovereignty over calamitous events with Mark Dever.

[Update] Sorry these are late, here are a few notes from our study together.
Have you pondered how much your sin angers God, yet because of His Son, you are given life anyway?

Romans 8:28 God works all things together...
He uses "tragedy" to bring about his purposes. He teaches us about the seriousness of sin, the fragility of life, His control over His creation, our helplessness in the world.

Four words in the Luke passage to consider:
Ye - Jesus isn't talking to one person but all people
repent - turn away from your sin, admitting that underneath you are corrupt, laying your sin on Christ, trusting your life to Him, hoping in His promises for the future.
likewise - death will sneak up on you and you will be surprised
perish - the context can't mean that we will simply die, or that we will die from a tower falling on us. Christ seems to be suggesting final judgment (reference John 3:16)

Because God is holy and righteous, it is good for Him to punish our sin. We see catastrophes as tragic, God sees it as right. It is only because of His mercy and grace that we get to take another breath. The amazing thing about these events is not that sinners died, but that the rest of us sinners, by God's mercy, are allowed to live.

After recognizing this great truth of the seriousness of sin and God's great mercy, it should drive us to our knees for God's salvation to come to more sinners.

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