Saturday, January 19, 2008

Jude Study, Part 2

The following are the notes that I compiled from my studies in the book of Jude that we are now discussing in our Tuesday night Bible study. It isn't put together in an easy read format and are simply posted here for you to take into your study and compare. Feel free to leave some comments for discussion of specific topics.

Jude 8-13
These are the sins of these false teachers.
Jude 8: defiling the flesh, rejecting authority, reviling the glorious ones.
o Jude 9,10: reviling the glorious ones.
-Assumption of Moses book
-Michael the angel fought with Satan over Moses’ body.
-Michael didn’t take Satan lightly but said, “The Lord rebuke you.”
o Jude 11: Pattern of rebellion growing to rejecting authority
-Cain showed his selfishness by killing his brother
-In the story of Balaam, he showed his own greed and pride. For riches he taught Israel to sin
by introducing pagan women to seduce them and brought idols to worship.

-Korah rebelled against Aaron and Moses' God given authority. God separated them and
the earth swallowed up Korah and his followers.

o Jude 12,13: defiling the flesh
-Love feasts (pot lucks) became more about themselves than about sharing with the body of Christ.
-Imagery describing the uselessness of these people.

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