Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wait, wait...

Previously, I wrote of Christian girls "settling" for unbelieving boyfriends/spouses (since one will beget the other). As I've further considered this phenomenon, I fear I may have neglected one particularly affective component: the role of the father.

As a father, I have been reminded, already, that if I neglect my daughter, she will seek out that affection from the first one to show it. As fathers, it behooves us to rescue our daughters from this dastardly trap, by placing our affections squarely where they should be; on our families and mission, not on our own selfish interests. That includes working hard at our work, even if it is a "ministry." Let us not forget; Christ Jesus called us to Himself before He ever led us to serve His church. We must be the church, first and foremost, and that begins in our homes.

Please understand; I'm not advocating that these young ladies, then, are somehow exempt from their poor choices. I'm certainly not a proponent of the current trend to blame anyone else, save for one's self and their own sin nature. What I do want to be careful to note, however, is how easily my sin can impinge upon those I love, or profess to love, since love is best evidenced in action, not in words alone. We're reminded in Mosaic literature that the curse will extend to even the third and fourth generations of our family. We should be careful, then, to honor the Lord God in rearing our families in love.

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