Friday, July 2, 2010

Adoption and the Gospel

As my wife and I are moving through the long process of adoption, we have really been struck throughout our studying how beautifully the Gospel is portrayed through adoption and how central the Gospel must be in parenting. Adoption is about bringing a person into a new life and showering him with blessings that he hasn't earned. It is a picture of God reaching into our lives of brokenness and giving us new lives as His children. The experience has made me more worshipful; and we haven't even brought a child into our home yet.

Read through this article in Christianity Today from Russell Moore, author of Adopted for Life (which was reviewed here a couple months ago). He explains it much more vividly than I could.

Christians need to make adoption a priority, not only for the children, but for the Gospel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a good article about the adoption and it`s process which you have to complete for adopting the child.
adoption rochester