Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The best parenting advice

The current preaching series at Emmanuel Baptist Church is on Godly parenting. Current and future

parents were asked to submit their answers to the title question,

What is the best parenting advice you ever received / implemented / or used as a parent?”

The next series of posts is geared to get your feedback. I will organize posts somewhat by theme.

Current series:

sermon 1) Godly parenting: The place to start

You must parent yourself before you can parent your children.

Sermon 2) Godly parenting: The objective

The goal of parenting is to prepare children to meet Jesus.

Sermon 3) Godly parenting: The discipline

Sermon 4) Godly parenting: The pitfalls


Stephanie Rawlins said...

I'd love to get a copy of the parenting sermons. I'm super bummed that I've had to miss most of them (sick kids, working in the nursery, traveling, etc.)

Rev Kev said...

Sermon series is on line at http://ebcrochester.org/misc/resources/sermons/

Adam Pohlman said...

Kevin, the first sermon on parenting yourself is not on there.