Monday, September 8, 2008

Hilary Watson

Hilary Watson, a 24-year old Californian, recently performed at our church, and, I must say, I was impressed. Coming to the Lord at age 11, and consequently committing to the daily reading of the Word, it was made evident in her concert. Each song was Biblically-based, and bathed in Scripture. Quoting verses at length, I realized this up-and-coming artist's truest pursuit was honoring her Lord.

Having performed in Germany, Africa, and the states, she is often found leading worship in various churches on any given Sunday. That being said, she made it clear that she is actively pursuing body life, as she is in a vibrant home bible study, which recently just finished a 5-week Mission Trip to Tanzania, all of their own making, by the way.

Having played guitar for as long as she's known the Lord, it is equally evident. Great picking style, with beautifully crisp and enjoyable chord progressions, she is a joy to hear play, on that merit alone. Interestingly, she shared that she hasn't always been gifted with the tremendous voice she evidences now. While I'm not sure I even believe that, she is certainly over it. Her soaring lyrics coincide well with her songwriting, which dispenses with trite lyrics, opting instead for refreshing word imagery that leaves no response but heartfelt worship towards our God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

An all-around joy to hear, and meet, Hilary Watson is best enjoyed live, in my opinion, as her recorded work doesn't seem to do her justice. Nevertheless, I would encourage you to sample it, and then book her, ASAP. You'll be personally encouraged in your walk, and challenged in your faith.

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