We had a great study last night concerning the place of suffering in the life of a Christian, how we should be more bold in the face of suffering, and that we should pray for endurance through it, not for it to be taken away. Remember to pray for the newest members of our group. It was truly a blessing to get to know a few new people. The worship last night was awesome. Remember, if anything is on your heart to pray for immediately, to sing right away, or to share a verse you thought of, let us know right away. This should be a Spirit led study.
John 15:18-25
Who in our Bible Study can say they have suffered persecution for the name of Christ? What was it and why did you receive it? Why are we persecuted (why was Christ persecuted)?
Take a look at 2 Corinthians 6:3-10, 11:23-28 for a few of the sufferings Paul endured because he preached Christ.
vv. 18-19. We are not of this world. If you are truly a Christian, you have different desires than the world. You desire to go to church, to hear sermons, to read and study the Bible, to pray, worship, and give. The world hates these and hates to always hear about it from Christians. (Galatians 2:20, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 8:7, James 4:4, 1 John 2:15,16)
With the commands to love our neighbors, to do good to those who harm you, to turn the other cheek, and give our resources to the poor and needy, why would we be hated? Why was Jesus hated when he healed the sick and performed many miracles? (John 3:19,20, 2 Corinthians 2:15) They hate us because they hate God and His righteousness. They don’t want to bow the knee to Him and follow His rules. Most people probably would say they don’t hate God, but if you pressed the discussion to focus on the depth of their sinfulness and their need for repentance, you would get a more heated response.
Persecution of the saints is actually persecution of Christ (Acts 9:4,5, Matthew 25:37-46)
“All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” 2 Timothy 3:12. Are you suffering persecution for the name of Jesus? Paul told Timothy that Christians will be persecuted, not may be. This may be a test to see if you are truly saved. Hypocrites will not endure persecution (Matthew 4:17, Galatians 6:12). If you never have persecution it may be you are too ashamed of the name of Jesus and aren’t really saved. If you see persecution coming and cower in fear instead of boldly proclaiming His name, you may not be saved.
God will guide us through the suffering He allows us to go through (2 Corinthians 4:9, Romans 8:35, John 5:26-6:15) and will bless those who endure (Matthew 5:10, Luke 6:22).
Why does God put us through trials and allow us to suffer persecution? To learn to trust Him, not our own strength. To partake in Christ’s glory by partaking in His suffering. To glorify Him in growing us through tribulation.
Learn to pray not for God to simply remove suffering from your life, but embrace the difficulty and ask God to make you more Christ-like through it.
John 15:18-25
Who in our Bible Study can say they have suffered persecution for the name of Christ? What was it and why did you receive it? Why are we persecuted (why was Christ persecuted)?
Take a look at 2 Corinthians 6:3-10, 11:23-28 for a few of the sufferings Paul endured because he preached Christ.

vv. 18-19. We are not of this world. If you are truly a Christian, you have different desires than the world. You desire to go to church, to hear sermons, to read and study the Bible, to pray, worship, and give. The world hates these and hates to always hear about it from Christians. (Galatians 2:20, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 8:7, James 4:4, 1 John 2:15,16)
With the commands to love our neighbors, to do good to those who harm you, to turn the other cheek, and give our resources to the poor and needy, why would we be hated? Why was Jesus hated when he healed the sick and performed many miracles? (John 3:19,20, 2 Corinthians 2:15) They hate us because they hate God and His righteousness. They don’t want to bow the knee to Him and follow His rules. Most people probably would say they don’t hate God, but if you pressed the discussion to focus on the depth of their sinfulness and their need for repentance, you would get a more heated response.
Persecution of the saints is actually persecution of Christ (Acts 9:4,5, Matthew 25:37-46)
“All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” 2 Timothy 3:12. Are you suffering persecution for the name of Jesus? Paul told Timothy that Christians will be persecuted, not may be. This may be a test to see if you are truly saved. Hypocrites will not endure persecution (Matthew 4:17, Galatians 6:12). If you never have persecution it may be you are too ashamed of the name of Jesus and aren’t really saved. If you see persecution coming and cower in fear instead of boldly proclaiming His name, you may not be saved.
God will guide us through the suffering He allows us to go through (2 Corinthians 4:9, Romans 8:35, John 5:26-6:15) and will bless those who endure (Matthew 5:10, Luke 6:22).
Why does God put us through trials and allow us to suffer persecution? To learn to trust Him, not our own strength. To partake in Christ’s glory by partaking in His suffering. To glorify Him in growing us through tribulation.
Learn to pray not for God to simply remove suffering from your life, but embrace the difficulty and ask God to make you more Christ-like through it.
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