Not being able to sleep early this morning, I began to read a historical fiction account of none other than 'ol Abe Lincoln. Very good writing; made for an interesting read. In fact, I found myself rather swept away into an idyllic Illinois town, circa 1850. Though still nestled away in the sheets of my bed, I seemed far removed, my mind flitting easily away to the events of Abe's rise to the Presidency.
It occurred to me, then, that the written word may certainly be the most powerful medium we currently enjoy. It has been said, of course, the "the pen is mightier than the sword." There is merit to this observation.
It is no wonder, then, that the Johannine gospel account puts such a primacy on the Word (John 1). 2 Timothy 3:15 speaks to its worth as well. The Bible throughout attests to the value of Scripture (Deuteronomy 6). How dare we neglect its reading and application in our daily lives?!
Do you find yourselves bored with the words of Scripture? Do they seem rigid, stodgy, archaic? Consider the source before you discount them entirely, and consider the era in which you live, that largely discounts the value of the written word, anyway. Don't buy into that; there is immeasurable worth in reading, and all the more so when reading the very words of God Himself.
The written word still lives, and will outlive any electronic medium we now enjoy (including this one). It is where we began, it will prevail even over our apocalyptic end, and it is richly imbued with God's stamp of approval. I pray you find afresh and anew an insatiable desire to drink deeply of the Word. It will not return void, He assures you. Happy Reading!
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