I'd like to tell you all a brief tale of St. Alban, that we might gain a broader perspective of God's kingdom. This story hearkens back to 304 AD.
England's first Christian martyr, Alban, came to faith in Christ through the visible testimony of a minister named Amphibalus, who he was giving refuge from the pagan Roman authorities. Intrigued by their conversations (note: demonstrated AND articulated faith), Alban asked to be baptized. When confronted by the authorities, in whose army Alban served, Alban said, "I worship and adore the true and living God who created all things," and, later, "know that I am now a Christian and devote myself to Christian service." That he did, perishing at the sword of his executioner. In fact, it is said that the first executioner who was to take his life also was converted to Christ, and so became the 2nd martyr of Britain, with Amphibalus turning himself in as the 3rd, since Alban had given his life to cover for Amphibalus.
What tremendous dedication and deep sacrifice! May we be found willing when called to sacrifice. Presumably not our lives, but certainly our pride, our wishes, and our presumptions. May He be first, in all we do, truly!
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