Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Humble Righteousness

I was reminded this morning that we are only as useful as we are both humble and righteous, and the grand irony of it all is that they are to be as our right hand is to our left, with one not knowing what the other is doing (Matthew 6:3). If pride replaces my humility, I am no longer righteous. If sin displaces my righteousness, I need be humbled yet again. And, so we have yet another presumed paradox ( in our Christian faith that requires the constant check and balance of the Lord's admonition, through His word, His people, His orchestration of circumstances, etc.

May we ever be mindful of the grand necessity of both our groveling humility before God and each other, and our imputed righteousness secured by Christ's blood. Only then can we be of maximum impact for the Kingdom, doing that which He requires in both a humbling and pristinely righteous manner.

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