Last week, many of you, my wife included, braved the harrowing travail of shopping on Black Friday. Never having figured myself for an aggressive shopper, I contented myself with shopping online (and finished all my shopping, thankfully!). I simply don't have the patience, nor the fortitude, required for shopping at 4 am. It proved a wise move, it seems, since some folks even lost their lives in the quest for outrageous bargains.
We live in a chaotic and turbulent world. People are clamoring for all that can be had. Yet, in their heart of hearts, every person, every single person, desires peace. It is the universal longing among all humanity. For those who have not found it in Christ, the very Prince of Peace, they seek it in every other medium; entertainment, affluence, influence, relationships, etc.
Imagine, for a moment, a lifestyle free of stress, free of harangue. Isn't that what vacations are supposed to bring? Can't vegging in front of the TV even seem to offer peace, in part? It's no wonder that heaven is the consummate end for gaining true and lasting peace.
Hebrews 4, indeed, much of Hebrews entire, speaks of this rest that is yet to come. I love the language here; "Let us be diligent to enter that rest" (v. 11). We must strive to enter that rest; we must endure to the end. It's hard work to find refuge in the Savior sometimes, especially when culture and media scream, "Find peace in me!"
This season, take some time to seek after peace, and don't waste your time with cheap alternatives. Seek after the Savior in the refuge of His Word; carve out some time to simply rest at His feet. Let Him speak to you in prayer, not the other way around. If we've not yet found peace on earth, then, at least, let it reside in your heart and mind.
1 comment:
For a long time I hated the Christmas season. It was always so stressful; planning family gatherings, buying everyone a gift, making sure everyone else was happy. Molly always said it was her favorite holiday, but I couldn't wait until it was over so I could breathe again.
We have since tried to simplify it. We alternate years visiting with our families. We cut as much gift buying out as possible drawing names for family instead of getting everyone something. I just wanted Christmas to be more focused on Christ in our house than simply hanging out with family and exchanging gifts. It is now becoming a time of year I look forward to.
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